Diesel Engine Rocker Arm Assembly

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Changzhou Youeryou Trading Co., Ltd.

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Website:http://www.yey-business.com/ http://czyey.nanke-ele.com/

Product details

The rocker arm assembly is mainly composed of two parts, the rocker arm seat and the rocker arm, and is made of metal.

The total achievement of the rocker arm is a lever mechanism fixed on the cylinder head. The rocker arm seat and the rocker shaft are the fulcrums, and the rocker arm is the lever. One end of this lever is pressed against the top of the valve, and the other end is directly or indirectly linked to the camshaft. When the diesel engine is working, the rocker arm will open the intake and exhaust valves at precise time intervals (directly or indirectly controlled by the camshaft), and the combustion chamber will suck in air and exhaust exhaust gas at the corresponding time intervals.

When there is a problem with the rocker arm assembly (rocker arm shaft wear, rocker arm shaft deformation, rocker arm and valve gap due to wear and tear, rocker arm fracture, etc.) will cause the diesel engine to be difficult to start, black smoke, power drop, fuel consumption In severe cases, the diesel will not start.
